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  5. 当サイトの写真素材は、必ずしも被写体の肖像権の使用を許諾するものではありません。必要がある場合は自己の責任で、各種権利者より使用許諾を得てご利用ください。


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【Terms of Use for Photo Resources】

By downloading the photo resources, you agree to the following terms of use.
  1. Copyright of the photos belongs to this site.
  2. The photos can be used for free, regardless of whether it is for personal, corporate, commercial, or non-commercial purposes. You may also edit and modify the photos.
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  4. This site is not responsible for any damages or disadvantages caused by the use of the photos. Please use them at your own risk.
  5. Photos on this site do not necessarily grant permission for the use of the subjects' portrait rights. If necessary, please obtain permission from the respective right holders at your own responsibility.

【Prohibited Actions】

The following actions are prohibited when using this site.
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